Find What Really Matters To You
I'd like to know what really matters to you. When we get clear on the 5 things that deeply matter - our communications, our businesses, our very presence have the ability to transform lives.
I have so often been pulled away from what matters by fear or lack. The result? Confusion, overcomplicating and putting my energies into what I think will work, rather than what truly matters to me.
Today I would like to show you an exercise that will help you connect with what really motivates you. I have done this exercise myself this morning - and I feel filled with purpose, resolution and yet a deep sense of service.
Grab a notebook and write down one or more things that you know deeply matter to you and drive your business - it's so good for us all to know it's OK to care deeply in business. Here are mine. I explored them in real-time, as I wrote!
1. Be all you can be
If each and every person chose to become all that it was possible for them to uniquely be, the world would transform overnight (self-actualisation on a massive scale, I guess?). Doing all I can to facilitate this, every day - in myself and others - is what matters to me.
2. We don't need leaders and experts
Only when we are being truly accountable, and committing to ourselves can we receive guidance without being subsumed. Only then can we find the guides who will be a loving mirror. In my work, I practice being a mirror not an expert; and first reminding people how to commit to themselves.
3. Look in the darkest corners
Each person has an in-built feedback system that lets them know exactly where to lean and focus. It is nearly always where we are avoiding looking. I work on myself in the same way. I don't have to tell anyone what is true for them - I only need to gently lead people towards the sirens (through the body's signals) and assure them that they are merely smoke and mirrors. The good stuff is on the other side.
4. Business without manipulation
I'm not fully there yet, but I'm exploring what I call 'business without manipulation'. This is not from judgement of how others do business, but an ongoing journey of how to simply be me in my business - using as few frameworks and social media conventions as possible. What is the most congruent platform? How can I avoid making people 'want' or 'lack' in order to choose to work with me? How can I invite?
5. Ubuntu
A friend sent me this word and concept. It means without all, none. It means we make it together or not at all. I have been lucky enough to uncover an energy and way of working which I have called 'TRUE GRIT'. Empathic, multidimensional people just cannot (or won't) do business and commitment the usual way. But we will do it together, without hierarchy.
With love and gratitude,
- Jessica, December 2022 -
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Jessica Summers Hypnogenics
Hypnogenics™ combines the glorious energy you're being, with the energy we are being together. It has evolved from energetics, empathic coaching, and hypnotherapy.
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